Home School Agreement


  1. Encourage their daughter in the love and practice of the Catholic faith.
  2. Be mindful of and uphold the principles and ethos of the School Mission Statement.
  3. Ensure regular attendance and punctuality.
  4. Inform the school promptly of any unavoidable absence, with written confirmation of the reasons for the absence.
  5. Take an active interest in their daughter’s progress by attending parents’ evenings, by looking at current work, supporting the homework timetable and by reading and signing her school diary weekly.
  6. Support the school’s rules on uniform, appearance and discipline.
  7. Encourage and reinforce good behaviour, respect for self and others.
  8. Ensure that their daughter’s internet use is appropriate to the values of Coloma.
  9. Keep the school informed of any changes to their daughter’s home life which might affect her wellbeing and work, as well as changes to address and contact details.
  10. Refrain from taking their daughter on holiday on term-time.

PUPILS will:

  1. Develop their knowledge, understanding, love and practice of the Catholic faith.
  2. Be mindful of and uphold the principles and the ethos of the School Mission Statement.
  3. Respect all members of the school community.
  4. Attend school and be on time.
  5. Bring their school diary and all the equipment needed each day.
  6. Abide by the school’s rules on uniform, appearance, discipline and the use of I.T and electronic equipment.
  7. Take a pride in their uniform and appearance.
  8. Take responsibility for their own progress by participating fully in lessons and by completing homework on time and as well as they are able.
  9. Respect school property and abide by Coloma’s Code of Conduct.


  1. Help your daughter to develop in knowledge, understanding, love and practice of the Catholic faith.
  2. Be mindful of and uphold the principles and the ethos of the School Mission Statement.
  3. Reinforce high standards of caring and behaviour.
  4. Provide a broad and balanced curriculum.
  5. Deliver lessons which are appropriate to the needs of pupils.
  6. Set and mark homework, coursework and assignments regularly.
  7. Encourage the development and expression of your daughter’s skills and talents by offering a range of extra-curricular activities.
  8. Keep parents informed of their daughter’s education and progress.
  9. Welcome parental involvement.