Admissions 2025

Wecome to our Sixth Form Admissions page for September 2025.

Deciding which Sixth Form to choose for your crucial final years of secondary education is an important decision. Our aim is to help you with this decision by giving you as much information as possible about the process and Sixth Form life at Coloma across these pages so that you are as well informed as possible:

Who can apply?

We welcome students applying to our Sixth Form from within Coloma and those students who are currently attending other providers equally. 

What is the process?

Usually, a prospective student would:

  • Attend the Sixth Form Open Evening, Thursday 3rd October

  • Apply to the Sixth Form by, Friday 29th November

  • If appropriate receive an offer by, Friday 14th February 

  • Respond to any offer by, Monday 31st March

This would be followed up in the summer term with more detailed communication. We at Coloma would determine the subject blocking and offer. This would be bespoke to the Class of 2027, updating all applicants as appropriate and looking forward to welcoming those who hold an offer for Coloma as ‘First Choice’ to our Taster Event in late June early July.  

Enrolment would then naturally follow in August. It will take place over GCSE Results Day and the proceeding Friday and Tuesday to ensure all applicants who have chosen Coloma and have reached the entry requirements can enrol, in order of preference.

For those students who currently attend Coloma there would also be a number of additional support events and Guidance Meetings for Sixth Form admissions as part of the Careers and Personal Development offer within the academic year. 

How to apply?

All Sixth Form applications should be completed using the Google Form linked below:

Click here to apply 

We will then contact applicants to confirm receipt of their application and update as appropriate throughout the application process.

If you have any questions about the admissions process, please contact the Sixth Form Team via the contact us address: