
Marking and Feedback 

It is expected as a school that all students receive the best possible marking and feedback to ensure they have a clear understanding of what they need to do to improve. 


  • One in-depth marked piece of work each half term (can include an assessment)

  • Literacy marking included using our codes set out in the policy

  • A WWW and EBI included

  • Feedback given within two weeks of the initial assessment 

  • A response to marking lesson given to all students entitled ‘GROWTH Lesson’

Other expected marking non negotiables:

  • Teachers must mark in red pen

  • Students must use purple pen (including 6th form) to self assess, peer assess or respond to marking.

  • Any extended piece of writing should included a success criteria and either self or peer assessment

Assessment Structure for 2023/2024


  • Year 11 and 13 are expected to sit two summative assessments (three including their GCSEs)

  • Year 10 and 12 are expected to sit 3 summative assessments 

  • KS3 are expected to sit 3 summative assessments that are planned by the HoD 

  • All other half termly assessments should be conducted half termly as directed by HoD

Students should be provided with revision lists prior to their exams. These will be sent out by Heads of Year.